W1DED Worldwide Ham Radio

We’re here for the amateur radio operator who wants to learn from the hams that went before us. The concept of sharing experiences is core to the hobby. We’re now able to connect with hams around the world, with people that are the best in their class, and ask for help. This YouTube channel is devoted to that core principle of asking for advice, perspective and inspiration. 73, Kevin W1DED

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Monday Dec 18, 2023

Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, serves as the Director of Marketing and Innovation at the ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio. Bob has been a valuable member of the ARRL team since 1991, accumulating three decades of experience at the Newington headquarters. His extensive background uniquely qualifies him to provide insights into the organization's past and future trajectory. Bob is credited with developing the Five Pillars of the ARRL, which encompass Public Service, Advocacy, Education, Technology, and Membership. His unwavering commitment to the membership's best interests is evident. When addressing current questions and controversies regarding necessary changes at the ARRL, Bob consistently emphasizes the organization's effective promotion and protection of the amateur radio hobby.

Monday Dec 18, 2023

There are many hams who can claim five decades of amateur radio but there are few who have been immersed in so many facets of the hobby as Gerry Hull, W1VE. Gerry is active throughout his native Canada with several VE callsigns, he's well known for his expertise in the remote ham radio space, he's consulted for and operated the AA7JV Radio-in-a-Box project, and was instrumental in creating the online contest scoreboard concept. He's a competitive contester, consummate DXer, technical writer, a long-time member of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club, and more. In this interview, Gerry talks specifically about his recent CQ WW CW multi-op contest effort at the Maine superstation, K1LZ, and then we do a speed round of questions that cover some of his nearly 50 years in ham radio.

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

Dan Craig N6MJ and Chris Hurlbutt KL9A are phenoms in the ham radio contesting world. They’ve competed 9 times at the World Radiosport Team Championships and have been on the podium together twice - Gold in 2014 and Bronze in 2018. I caught up with Dan and Chris just days after their 1st (N6MJ) and 2nd (KL9A) place finishes in the 2023 CQ Worldwide CW contest in the very competitive Single Operator High Power All Band category. For that contest, Dan traveled to ZF1A in Grand Cayman and Chris to TI7W in Costa Rica. They are open about their operating strengths and weaknesses but especially talk about the preparation and station excellence that are required to win. There is much to learn from Dan and Chris' commitment to ham radio, their high level of operating skills, and a reminder that at the end of the day we all share a fun and camaraderie filled hobby.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

Kris Misa YL3JA has been interested in ham radio contesting since he was first licensed as a teenager. In fact, for years his only QSO's were in contests. Kris has trained with some of the best in Europe while watching them do their magic at multi-op efforts at D4C, ES5TV, ES7A and being mentored by giants such as Roly LY4A and Tonno ES5TV. When Kris attempted to qualify for the WRTC 2002 in Italy, and fell short, these same ham radio peers cheered him on and encouraged him to compete in the Youth category. Andrea IK4VET opened doors for Kris and his WRTC teammate Artem, UR5YKO, to come to Italy to train for the event. The rest is history as Kris and Artem went on to win the Youth category in WRTC 2022. Kris is an exemplar of the kind of young person, given the right support and encouragement, who can make a mark in ham radio today and far into the future. Let's advocate for more Kris Misa's.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

Andy Cook, G4PIQ, got his start in amateur radio contesting with competitive weak signal VHF. In an operating category where a single dB can make or break success, Andy honed his skills in station design. He took those skills into HF when his friend, and operating buddy, Bob Carpenter G4BAH (SK), decided that the M6T contest station needed to be a reality. It’s no surprise that WRTC 2026 Chariman, Mark Haynes M0DXR, called upon Andy to be the Director of Sites and Stations for the first World Radiosport Team Championship to be hosted by England. In this interview, Andy talks about his formative years in ham radio and the specific, yet evolving, plans for WRTC 2026.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

Dr. Scott Wright is a cardiologist with the Mayo Clinic and a member of the team that developed the use of convalescent plasma as one of the first treatments for Covid-19. That significant contribution to world health during the great pandemic, combined with his history as a DXer, serious contester, and stint as the editor of the National Contest Journal, earned Scott an induction to the CQ Hall of Fame. In this interview, we discuss Scott's first license at the age of 12, the Heathkit HW-101 that he started with, his newfound love for the Elecraft line of ham radio gear, DXpeditions to Chile and Turks and Caicos, the thrill and intensity of contesting and much more. When it comes to representing the ham radio hobby professionally and with enthusiasm, Scott has set a very high bar.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

Legendary is the word most often associated with the PJ2T contest station in Curacao. This ham radio station which is located 12 degrees north of the equator, in what is informally referred to as a magical propagation zone, has a very long and rich history of well known operators. The PJ2T story begins with hotelier Chet Brandon PJ2CC who is credited for first noticing the unique HF conditions in Curacao. Chet then convinced CW Contest Hall of Famer, John Thompson W1BIH, to build a house at Coral Cliffs. In his first contest from his new home, John’s team took the World #1 spot in the 1967 CWWW CW contest beginning a long tradition of multi-operator wins. The PJ2T story continued in 2001 when another CQ Contest Hall of Famer, Geoff Howard W0CG, took over stewardship of this world renowned station. Geoff not only rebuilt the house and the station but formed a unique consortium of contesters that would be instrumental in keeping the station active and winning contests. In this interview, Geoff W0CG provides an overview of the station history, the Curacao Contest Consortium, and the magic that has led to years of worldwide contesting wins.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

When I first spoke to Mike Giannaccio W5REZ six months ago, he was at the very early stages of creating a new ham radio antenna company. REZ Antenna was more than just an idea, but not much more than that. Mike was working hard on creating a quality production plan, he had built some prototypes and even sold those prototypes to a few lucky operators. From the beginning, it was clear that Mike was on a specific mission to create a quality, successful, and sustainable company. So, I wasn’t surprised to recently see an announcement that REZ Antenna had teamed up with DX Engineering to distribute his antennas to their massive customer base. Checking in with him for this interview, Mike already has several hundred antennas in the field and has plans to expand his product line. Watch this video interview to get Mike's update on REZ Antenna and what the future holds. And, look for him in Dayton in 2024.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

California QSO Party chairman Dean Wood N6DE is passionate about his state’s QSO party for good reason. With over 1200 submitted logs, the CQP easily tops the list of state QSO parties for participation. What’s their secret? Start with the fact that the CQP is sponsored by contesters - the Northern California Contest Club - making this one of the few QP’s run by a contest club. Their other unique characteristic is an Expedition class of operator (think “POTA meets Contester”) who fan out across California to activate even the hardest to get to counties. Non-California contesters have plenty of stations to log and many will work hard for a clean sweep of the 58 counties. Participants are split nearly equally between CW, Phone and Mixed Mode but, with no awards for single modes, those playing to win will operate mixed mode. Watch this interview with Dean N6DE to learn more about the October 7-8 2023 CQP and to see Dean's photo highlights from 2022.

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023

Max George NG7M has many, many pursuits within ham radio but there is one consistent thread - an abiding love for CW. He can’t explain what it was about this mode back in his earliest memories of ham radio but his passion for morse code, and the thrill he gets from running stations, drives his choices. Whether learning contesting under the tutelage of W7CT, setting an Expedition Single Op record in the 7QP, honing his contesting chops at the famed PJ2T station in Curacao, or earning his DXpedition stripes on the J28MD Djibouti effort, Max is usually running CW. Watch this episode to learn more about Max George and his NG7M ham radio story

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